A place for dicussions about TetraX and micromagnetism

Dear users of TetraX,

We are very happy to introduce discussions.tetrax.software, a place for the TetraX user base to discuss and find the most recent announcements all around our micromagnetic modeling package. Whether you want to follow the development plans, propose or discuss new features in TetraX, or need help with your simulations, or just want to ask questions about micromagnetism, discussions.tetrax.software is the place for you to meet other users and interact with the developers.

Lukas and Attila

PS: You can log in using your institutional account, your Google account, or ORCID, among others.

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Thank you Lukas and Attila!,
I’m sure it will be very useful to use this forum and be aware of new changes, tricks and help :smiley: I don’t know how will be the order for the questions, if there will be specific topics and categories?

Hi Felipe! In the side bar or on the main page, you can find a couple of categories where you can post.

There is also the Announcements category, a place where only we developers can post some announcements (that users can nevertheless reply to).

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Thanks a lot for making such an useful forum. I suggest maybe we all can start a project together and publish a paper with TetraX by helping each other :smiley: